Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Is This as Good as it Gets?

So, I had my second attempt with running yesterday...
this time I lasted 12 minutes...

I started my pace at @9:16...which initially felt better than going slower.  For some reason going slower had me pounding a bit harder than I liked last time, which caused some uncomfortableness.   So I started a bit quicker which felt fine at first...

but than at six minutes I slowed to I finished one mile at about 9:27ish...guesstimating with the treadmill at PT?  Afterwards I slowed to a 10:00 minute pace for the following two and change minutes. 


I, in my incredibly out of cardiovascular shape .  I also find myself extremely weak, especially in my right leg, which I know is to be expected and will take time to strengthen.  Running seems so much harder right now because of this, and I find myself compensating with every step and stride I make.  

 I am also finding it harder to run with the extra "looseness"  I was left with when certain muscles decided to painfully abandon me.   Not Fair!!  I have worked hard along the way to reclaim this loss, but the lack of sweat, movement and physical activity has taken it's toll on me. 

 I understand months and months and months of recovering will cause this...but nonetheless I find it very hard to swallow, and somewhat disheartening...  I also understand that it will take quite a bit of time to get this strength back, and to be able to breathe with some normalcy in order to increase my stamina...which sucks isn't strong right now.

Overall how did I feel??

Actually pretty bad...
crappy would be a much better way of describing it. 
  • There was a gradual uncomfortableness with this second attempt that  continued with every minute...but not enough to stop me sooner...
  •  pain was felt  in the outer pelvic area, some sharp jolts within the hip joint/flexor  area...
  • lots and lots of  knee pain, toward the inside the my leg...this is bothering me most at the moment..
  • and my outer ankle/top of my foot moving up into the shin is aggravated this morning...
 I was hoping for more...last week felt so good...I needed wanted more of last week...


I don't know...I just really don't know...

what do you think?


  1. friend. this is a tough one. its definitely a battle. you want to be out there so badly but when is pain/discomfort okay? and when is it too much? this is the part i hate most about getting back into running after an injury, etc. I have mad anxiety because I don't want to be setback any more but i also just want to be back out there running and loving it! you know yourself may just be that it will be uncomfortable for a while since you have had to take an extended period of time off. for have to start somewhere and i feel like you ran a super speedy mile for feeling out of shape! you will be back at it in no time. its so hard to have patience and to know the "right" thing to do...but it will be worth it in the end! thinking of you!

    1. Yeah...tough it is and I know we have all been through it! when the 3 month recovery turns into the 6 month recovery...that still isn't "true colors" are starting to show through:) UGH!

      you're right...I should have come out slower...that was pure stubborness on my part...
      As always, thanks my friend!

  2. Praying for recovery for you.
    I'm not going to tell you to have patience with it because I've been there.
    I think you're on the right track. Finding something to keep you active that doesn't slow down the recovery process is the key.

    1. I'm hearing you and taking all the prayers I can get! Thanks:)

  3. I had a running coach that would say before every run that Not every run is going to be perfect, some runs will suck regardless. Just know that you are able to run again. Track your progress and you'll be able to see the small victories as you recover. Take one day at a time!

    1. One day at a time...I used to lOVE that show:)'re right...not every run will be perfect...third time's a charm?

  4. Hey there - I totally feel your pain. Injuries suck and recovering can suck even more. Those hard runs can drag you down mentally and physically. I agree with Christine - tracking your progress is a good idea. Then you can see the celebrations - even if they are very, very small! :) I wish we lived close to each other - I would love to run with you and you could tell me all about the "suckiness!" And we could celebrate too!! I have been there. BTW - Loved One Day at a Time too! I really wanted to look like Valerie Bertanelli!!

    1. I will track my progress...and I wish you lived closer too! thanks for the uplift:)

  5. I think that when you haven't been able to run in a while, it becomes really hard to separate out the suckiness that is the injury and the suckiness that is not having run. Mentally, the drain is huge as you want to chalk up all the different suckiness to different places--20% mental, 30% recovery pain, 40% lack of cardio shape, 10% "holy crap I don't know maybe all this is in my head or maybe it's all in my injury?". And it's tough. Hang tough. And if you can, make the whole deal as mental as you can. Because your strong, powerful self will recover faster if your strong, powerful mind gets in line first! Hang in there!!!

  6. Injuries are tough to get past...but I learned that sometimes you need to realize you don't run at the same pace you used to...but in the end, you still love to run so you adapt. I used to run a 9 minute mile, but I realized as of late that pace is unrealistic FOR ME if I want any kind of mileage. I used to NEVER stop to walk, but also realized just stopping for a minute every mile or so will help me stretch out my aches and pains. Remember it's not about the time, the distance or the pace that you finish-but it's about trying your hardest while listening to your body.
    Sending warm thoughts and prayers. You aren't alone in this battle! <3

  7. It's going to be a steep curve at first but you'll get back quicker then you think (been there, I assure you). Don't be too hard on yourself, you ARE making progress!

  8. to all 3 above...I thank you for your time and your thoughtful advice... It will be well reflected upon:)

  9. I know when I had to take a ridiculous amt of time off running due to my foot, when I started back again I had to start on scratch on every level and it was humbling hard!!!!
    "God does not give us overcoming life, he gives us life as we overcome...."

    Hang in there, don't give up, it will eventually get better!! You are AWESOME!!

  10. Difficult to give advices. In my experience, after the fractures and the surgeries, I rebuilt my muscles with swimming and in the gym. The first steps of running were on the "dreadmill" and later on the soft ground in the country. I remember again the pain everywhere. I think that in this phase it is important to work also in the gym and in the swimming pool to help your first runs.

  11. So hard when starting back up after being injured, surgery, etc. I can't personally speak from the surgery perspective but I know how discouraging it can feel to see how much you've lost after injury. But the more you do it, the easier it will get. Lots of good vibes coming your way!

  12. Don't give up! With time, you'll get back into shape. I believe in you!

  13. I think it will get better. Be kind to yourself. It's going to take awhile :)

    My Running Shortz

  14. So, how are you now? Have a good week end.

    1. I haven't tried running again since that day...still having some knee pain, so I am holding off. Perhaps I will try this week if they let me. I have swimmed though and that doesn't hurt a bit!! Thanks for asking

  15. You will work out the kinks. The body knows how much it can take. Little by little it will be able to take more, just like building up mileage for a big race. Keep doing what you're supposed to do and trust the "training". A good attitude goes a LONG way with your body's health!

  16. The only thing in this world you can control is your attitude. Come rain or come shine. BYOM. Bring Your Own MOTIVATION!!!

  17. What do I think? I think you are doing great. Taking time off, even with cross training, leaves things feeling slack. Just take your time. Keep up on the easy running. It speeds recovery better than trying to push it. Every time I have started back after a layoff, it has felt rough. Just give it time. Patience is not my strong suit, so much easier to give advice than take it here. :)

    1. "Slack" is a good way of describing it...they haven't let me run since that day and I am feeing maybe all in due time. I just got excited after the first run...and wanted more! so greedy I am:) It's hard to be patient, huh?

      thanks for the support...

  18. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I might just have to use you for inspiration, consolation, and/or just plain old information. You have a lot more to overcome with your hip than I do, and I have been feeling frustrated lately that it's been over 2 months for me since I could run without worry.

    They say time heals all wounds. I hope that applies to our hips.

    1. Well...the hip is a hard thing I feel. My pain was referred to such strange places initially...that I never suspected my hip! but, in due time, the agonizing GROIN pain came into play!!! I kept running on it...and that was a BAD decision! Be careful. I injured myself Sept 2010, surgery Aug 2011 and have STILL to be cleared...this post was my second time "trying" to run since Spring of 2011. I wanna hear more about this belt of yours!!!

      Hope you feel better soon!!!! Oh...and nice pants in your pic:):):)

  19. I'm kinda of late to the party here (I know, it's anything BUT a party :( ), but are you seeing someone for the pain you're having? Like a sports PT?

    I know they say time is the best healer for all and there were days when I was sitting there trying to bide my time and I just wanted to slit my wrists. So I fully get your frustration. I think since you had a good week last year, your body is just letting you know that it's not ready to take what you want to give it quite yet. I'm learning that this build up phase is painfully tough because the body just won't maintain that cardiovascular fitness for very long. It's maddening.

    Hang in there girl!!

  20. Hye...coming late to the party is better than not coming at all, right? Yeah, I've been going to PT since before surgery and has just been slow...but he's great, and is very patient with me...I can kind of "push the envelope" sometimes if ya know what I mean...

    Thanks for your support...I KNOW it will take time...but I want it NOW, ha ha! It probably isn't helping that I am munching on dark choc kisses while writing this, huh?


  21. Keep working on that PT! The goal is to be running for years and years so don't mess it up!

    If you want cardio so you are ready to rock and roll running why not do swimming? (Perhaps even biking..?) I don't think swimming needs much hip action at all ;)

    1. I actually have been swimming a bit, and it has made me feel better ;)


  22. Oh. :( How incredibly frustrating. No words of advice, just virtual <>

    1. Ummm... that was supposed to say virtual "hugs" ... not sure where the hugs went!

  23. I think (as you know)the treadmill had some negative effect....
    Now, we tested that out so I think you should be posting next about your new speedy times ;)

    1. ha I ignore the pain that brought with it too???


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