Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Is This as Good as it Gets?

So, I had my second attempt with running yesterday...
this time I lasted 12 minutes...

I started my pace at @9:16...which initially felt better than going slower.  For some reason going slower had me pounding a bit harder than I liked last time, which caused some uncomfortableness.   So I started a bit quicker which felt fine at first...

but than at six minutes I slowed to I finished one mile at about 9:27ish...guesstimating with the treadmill at PT?  Afterwards I slowed to a 10:00 minute pace for the following two and change minutes. 


I, in my incredibly out of cardiovascular shape .  I also find myself extremely weak, especially in my right leg, which I know is to be expected and will take time to strengthen.  Running seems so much harder right now because of this, and I find myself compensating with every step and stride I make.  

 I am also finding it harder to run with the extra "looseness"  I was left with when certain muscles decided to painfully abandon me.   Not Fair!!  I have worked hard along the way to reclaim this loss, but the lack of sweat, movement and physical activity has taken it's toll on me. 

 I understand months and months and months of recovering will cause this...but nonetheless I find it very hard to swallow, and somewhat disheartening...  I also understand that it will take quite a bit of time to get this strength back, and to be able to breathe with some normalcy in order to increase my stamina...which sucks isn't strong right now.

Overall how did I feel??

Actually pretty bad...
crappy would be a much better way of describing it. 
  • There was a gradual uncomfortableness with this second attempt that  continued with every minute...but not enough to stop me sooner...
  •  pain was felt  in the outer pelvic area, some sharp jolts within the hip joint/flexor  area...
  • lots and lots of  knee pain, toward the inside the my leg...this is bothering me most at the moment..
  • and my outer ankle/top of my foot moving up into the shin is aggravated this morning...
 I was hoping for more...last week felt so good...I needed wanted more of last week...


I don't know...I just really don't know...

what do you think?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

7 Minutes in Heaven........

I just had the best 7 minutes in heaven...


and I'm NOT in middle school anymore!!!

As of late, I have been patient...
and at times according to my husband...
a royal pain in the ass!

but... it caught me totally off guard.............

He walked over to me and said.."I'm thinking that I just want to see what it feels like for you to run...
if your up to it...
just for a few minutes let's see what happens...
if your in pain or uncomfortable...
then STOP! 
But, I'm thinking it's time...
it's been 6 months since your surgery, let's just see what happens...
What do you think?"
My heart raced a bit and I wasn't mentally prepared of course.  

I have been waiting for this day for about  8 months or so...... 
but I didn't expect it today...
it came out of nowhere...
I just said OK
took off my sweatshirt
put my hat on
and went for it...

I ran for 7 minutes...

I'm not quites sure why I stopped at that point?????????? 
 I just did for some reason...
I think I was nervous to keep going...
afraid I was suppose to hurt..
scared I would make things worse. 
wondering if I would lose my breath...

I ran for 7 minutes...

he was watching...
he said I looked like I had been running all along...
like I had never stopped... 
 my cadence was perfect...
my gait not awkward...
my form relaxed...
my footing in rhythm with the other...

I ran 7 minutes...and I was in heaven

the best 7 minutes I've had in a long time...

And when I came home and told my husband about it,
this was the look I got...
Honey...did you just say what I think you said???

So...what something has moved your heaven and earth lately???

Friday, February 17, 2012

I was Touched...

I was touched today...
moved by the sheer spontaneous gesture and words of someone...

It's rather simple actually... 
Most would think nothing of it... 
Some wouldn't even take the time to acknowledge it...
A few even chuckled at me...

It's the small things in life that literally take hold of my heart and find ways to open it...
rattle it...
awaken it...
and sometimes... truly break it.

here's my's not a running one, but one that  has my heart heavy tonight...and I was touched.

I met a man, a much older man,  a few months back...He was a plain old gentlemen with a plain old job. 
A job that most people would NEVER want to do...
would NEVER even consider...
would NEVER have the patience for. 
Now, keep in mind this was a second after retiring from his first profession...but nonetheless, a job not held high in society or deemed "important" or "worthy" in many eyes.

He simply drove a bus...a school bus.

Every day he would be the first bus to arrive...waiting patiently for all the others to come...and he would sit, and talk to the children...and tell them stories of how he was born in Italy...and raised in Brooklyn.

He still carried a very thick Italian accent...and it moved the children.  You could tell...because they were always listening, and always engaged...even while they sat and waited.  I loved to just listen to his sweet sound, and watch his gestures as he spoke.  His hands would fly about and move with him.

you see, I have morning bus duty every day...and my station was at the front of the line...where his bus sat.
We would always greet one another, and we would always talk and chat about typical things.
the weather
the weekend
the kids
the students
the holidays

the more we talked, the fonder we became.  He was full of life and full of wisdom.  He would always come off his seat and travel down the steps just to say good morning and wish me a good day.  He was a man short in stature so was about my height...and he would look straight into my eyes as he spoke.

He had a twinkle in those eyes that I couldn't resist...

   I would watch him genuinely and passionately speak to all the children as they got off the a temper, never a cold word, never a roll of the eyes or even a small sign that "kids today aren't like what they used to be".  he seemed very content and happy.

He respected them
and they in return...respected him...
imagine that!

This morning he seemed "overly anxious" to chat with me.  He wanted to know what I got for Valentines Day...and when I said nothing, he seemed bothered by that. 

 I told him that Dave and I didn't need "Hallmark" to tell one another how we felt ...this week was's appt' with, etc. 
But, then come the day, we both regretted not doing more for each other.   So, I told my friend that we had decided to have a "do-over" for Valentines Day, this Saturday...tomorrow.

He grinned and asked me if I was happy,  and told me how important it was to show love...and be loved. 

He told me that life is short, and life is unpredictable, and to live it now before I grow old.

He spoke of his deceased wife, and his sadness, and how much he missed not living with her when she was still around
he  wanted to travel the world...make the most of what he had left...with someone he cared about.

He gathered a more serious expression and looked me straight in the eye.
He told me I was special.
he told me I was a beautiful person. 
he told me I was  different,
He told me I was full of life.
He told me it was obvious...and that it showed from everywhere.
and I was touched...

 He told me I wouldn't see him anymore.  He wouldn't be back.  Today was his last day. He explained he was Arizona... where he had another house.  He said he was only telling me, and that he couldn't just leave without.  He said itmade his day to see me every morning for 10 minutes.  He asked me if I would come out in the he could say goodbye...

I thought about him all day in school. 

I walked outside this afternoon right before the children were dismissed.  His bus was there,  first again...  I walked right onto the bus and gave him a handful of kisses...the "Hershey" kind... and he laughed out loud!  

He gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.  

 He took out a picture of his girlfriend and beamed as he spoke of her.  He showed me pictures of his sons, and his grandchildren.  I asked him if he emailed...but he just smiled and didn't say anything...he just shook his head, and  put his wallet away. 
He got right in my face, and told me if he were younger, and I was single...he'd carry me off and marry me...and it tickled me...
 when the children were loaded...and he got in his seat, he looked at me before he closed the door.  His eyes were full and his expression sad, but happy at the same time. I waved goodbye to him...
 the last thing he said to me was...
"You be live a good life, and make sure you are always be happy!" 
 he blew a kiss...closed the door... and drove away.

and that's my story.
and I am sad

this afternoon at 3:35 I said goodbye to "my friend." I know it sounds silly...but he was my friend...
and I will miss him dearly.
  He made me smile...he made me question...he made me reflect... he made me feel good...
all about the small things in life...the little, yet BIG things...
the ones that hold all the importance and purpose in your heart.

It's a strange feeling knowing that you will never see someone again...
ever again...for the rest of your life. 
He wasn't family,
 a relative,
a best friend,
a neighbor,
a colleague
or even an acquaintance...

I'm embarrassed to say we never even called each other by name...
I have no picture to cherish...
no address to write to
only my memory to hold on to...

he was a school bus driver...
my school bus driver...
my friend...
I will miss him...
and I was touched...

So, What unusual person has touched your heart lately...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Remembering...and Why we Need to...

Everyone in the running/blogging/exercise world out there is reflecting today...

Every post I have read...every blog I have visited...

is remembering,
and celebrating the life of someone special...

May this tragedy always remind us of How lucky we are...
 to be awake right now,
to be breathing
and to never take for granted what we have...

Our loved ones
our children
our faith
our health
our shelter
our strength
our empathy
our purpose
our minds
our souls
our grace
and our passions....

Once our day has come, how do we want people to remember us?
for how fast we ran?
how far we went?
who we beat?
whose plan we chose?
how much we sacrificed?
how much it controlled us?

maybe some do...I could be wrong...but I don't think I am.

 When my day comes, god willing..I hope people remember me
for my inner soul...
my reflections...
my gifts..
my grace...
my heart...

while we take this day to "honor" and "remember" someone very much like ourselves,
someone who most of us have never met...but wish we had,

let's make sure to embrace what we still have...and use our days wisely with them! 
In her honor...

Let's cuddle more with our kids, 
play more pretend games with them
sleep in...
 wake up later
have more dessert...even before dinner
make music with them
believe in Santa longer...

Brady, me and Tanner on Mothers Day...

Tanner...aka "the tut"

Cooper...still believing...

Brady and Dave making music together...

Let's love our husbands and wives more honestly
more deeply
more passionately
Let's have more date nights
hold hands more often
kiss more, play more, love more
the love of my life...

Let's be more aware of others in need

others in pain
others in poor health
others who need our time
our energy
our patience
our prayers...


And then when we run...
we can do so knowing that our time was well spent,
well deserved,
and well earned!

So do something special tonight...and make the most of it!

to sherry and her family...may the grace of god be with you, always and forever

compliments of SUAR

Friday, February 10, 2012

Breaking up Is Hard to Do!!!

It was on my mind all night last night...

Someone I trust said to me...

"I really think at this point you've gotten all you can from him.  You've done everything he's asked of've paid your dues...enough is enough... I don't think you should waste anymore of your time...You need to know where he stands.  Ask him his opinion!  How much longer he thinks he needs to see you!"

When somethings on my keeps me up all night!

 I rehearsed what to say when I saw him...

I practiced it all morning...I have to do that with everything I'm uncomfortable with, do you?  I guess I am just way too nice and I don't like confrontation.  I want to be every one's friend and not  hurt any one's feelings.  I talked about it with a good friend of mine during the school day, and she agreed!  I just wasn't satisfied, I was still hurting and in pain.  I was putting in the time, and not really getting the results I wanted.'s just time!

Sooooooooooo, when he came in the room.............I tried.  I really, really did...
I swear for those of you that KNOW ME!!!  I told him I thought I needed to move on...
me trying to look really, really tough.... didn't work!
He said he wouldn't let me go until he figured me out! 
So,  I got flustered...

and I'm still paying $50 bucks a session... hmmm?

So, tell me...
Has anyone out there ever been strung on by a professional who thinks he can fix you? Maybe he can...but do you continue to put in the time, the money...or move on?  Have you ever felt they were just in it to "impress" the big guys...or to truly help you?

Any other women out there born without "balls" just like me?  Sorry, tacky I know...but true!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Impatiently Being Patient...

So, for those of you that have visited my blog recently...thank you so much for your kind words, amazing support, and uplifting advice.  Only blogging for 3 weeks,  I find it amazing how embracing the "running, yoga, endurance exercise world" out there is...

 how ready they are to help heal your injuries,
listen to your struggles,
understand your frustrations...
and hold your hand along the way...
be it a novice, recreational, or an advanced athlete!

The last few weeks have been "a waiting game" for me. 

For anyone out there who read one of my latest blogs,  regarding ART Therapy...I have been patiently waiting for that miraculous "ahhh moment!" As you all know, I have been going through intense...(well actually pretty basic as of late...) physical therapy for a "not-so-recent" hip surgery.  My surgeon's latest protocol suggestion was for ART therapy, in addition to Physical therapy to help my facilitate muscle growth, help ease the pain from tendinitis which developed, all while trying not to aggravate the anterior innonimate dysfunction that keeps coming into play as well.   

 All in all...5 months later...
I just want need to get back into the game
I need to sweat, push myself,  stretch beyond limits, work, train...............

I want to start running!

and once patience is wearing thin!

I have to say, ART therapy was not as bad as expected...and the professional bodybuilder guy certified to stand over me, grasp his hands around every area that hurt and dig, push, grind, pull, knead and twist my body into positions that only I was able to get into while in my mother's womb...was extremely nice and informative.

But, I'm feeling impatient...and I need some reassurance...

yeah, I have been trying to keep busy doing other types of things such as...
  • Erin's strength/core conditioning routine after she runs...
  • Julia's workout from one of her latest posts by hardcore workout...which is ridiculously and insanely hard btw...
  • Various strengthening exercises to help muscles surrounding hip/butt/quad etc
  • P90X, Jillian Michael's arm/core/arm/leg workout here and there..

but they all have to be modified at this point and quite frankly...just don't satisfy the urge that I am craving...So, I am asking anyone out there who is like me...and can't just keep sitting...can't just keep behaving

How did you keep your sanity while "waiting" to recover,
and what types of exercise did you do to keep your body fit?

How did you balance your need to back off and recover...
with your need or desire  to sweat, burn, and move?

I think I know the answers...I just need to hear them...

so that my patience may return!

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