Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Round 2...Postponed!!!

Starting Last night... a scene from the exorcist occurred... right here in my house...including 4 out of 5 people... To spare you the details... Injection cancelled and postponed... I'll update you later...when I can function...because I am one of the lucky ones... My poor husband~ therefore~ Virtual Happy Hour will be postponed to a later date and time... at least for me that is ;) Stay healthy!


  1. Sorry to hear it - hope everyone feels better soon and things don't get too messy.
    I'll have a practice virtual happy hour tonight just to make sure that I'm ready ...

  2. Hope you all get better quick! Think I'll practice happy hour too :-).

  3. I hope everything is ok in your house!!! Stay healthy! I will be waiting for that happy hour!

  4. Keep me posted, I am up for our virtual happy hour love!

  5. Oooo, I think Kathy's got the perfect plan! :) Hope all is okay, will look for updates soon!

  6. Thank you very much for your kind comment. You are a good friend.
    I hope all is ok. Take care.

  7. Hope all is well and stays well! I had one for you in honor of Rosh Hashanah.

  8. Your blog is still in my dashboard! I don't know what has happened..?? I think it might be a google+ issue because my blogger dashboard just completely changed over to the new version yesterday. I am confused.

  9. Hope the family gets better soon!

  10. My heart goes out to you. I have been trying to catch up on all my blog reading and your posts are heart breaking. I wish you well and I will keep you in my prayers.

  11. I hope that the second shot works and you get better soon.
    I also hope that the "dream" comes true and you can visit Italy with your friends. Please let me know if you and your friends will come to Rome.

  12. Just checking in to see how you're doing! Hope everything is okay!

  13. Did someone's head spin around 180ยบ? :-)

    Hope you get back to running and blogging soon. Take care.

  14. Just checking in to see how you're doing!

  15. Hope everything is going all right for you, just checking in :)


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